- The construction of Gebze-Darıca Metro was contracted by Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality on 18/05/2018 and the contract was signed with the Contractor on 12/06/2018.
- Approximately 2% progress was achieved within the scope of the project and Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality requested that the project be undertaken by our Ministry.
- With the President's Decision No. 2019/1550 dated 17/09/2019 regarding the transfer of the said project to our Ministry, the construction of the Project was undertaken by our Ministry.
- Regarding the transfer of the project to our Ministry, a transfer protocol was signed between Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality and our Ministry on 18/10/2019 and a transfer agreement was signed with the Contractor on 12/12/2019. The total physical progress made to date after the transfer agreement is 76%.
- On July 22, 2020, a procurement tender for 28 vehicles was held and the contract was signed on November 4, 2020. The condition of 60% domestic production was sought for the trains and they will be designed in accordance with modern technology, fully driverless at the GoA-4 level.
Contract Price
2,488,489,457 TRY
Line Length
2x15.4 Km (30.8 Km)
Number of Stations
11 stations
Design Speed
90 km/hour
Number of Vehicles
4 sets x 7 vehicles = 28 vehicles
Passenger Capacity
330,000 passengers/day
Number of TBMs
Tunnel Excavation Amount (NATM+TBM)
1,323,000 m³
Open Excavation Amount
1,871,000 m³
Concrete Amount
1,126,651 m³
Rail Quantity
78,922 mt
* Total Project Progress is 63%.